Embracing Life’s Complexity

We go into our daily life, with all the loads we had in our lives, from family life, relationships, past jobs, current life situations, divorce, personal abuse, addictions, stress, anxiety… so many things are held in our baskets… most of the time, we throw them behind us, thinking that this will be history, and won’t hurt us anymore. But unfortunately, this is not the case, and this is not how our subconscious deals with our past. And this is where it is crucial to address the importance of self-belief to life thriving.

Acceptance as the First Step

Life is so complicated, we all know that, and it don’t let us forget that. At the same time, life provides us with many solutions that will make our journey smoother, but this comes as a first step, accept dealing with it. This acceptance starts by believing in yourself and everything goes from there.

Stepping Stones: From Dark Moments to Resilience

Around 1986, I became aware of the impact of my eye, I acknowledged it, and I admitted that it exists. That was a crossing line for two phases, the one where I was dwelling on the drama of losing the eye years back, and the one of starting to get out of this drama and sorting some stepping stones so I can cross from the side of the river where things were full of dark moments, dark thoughts, blaming God for this, dwelling about why me, getting so angry about so many things and even frustrated. Those stepping stones became the foundation for the bridge that took me to the brighter side of that riverside.

Hands reaching out through light from a heart, symbolizing connection and love.

The Power of Faith and Self-Belief

I believed in myself and that was also a huge leap of faith in my case. Once I believed in myself, with the belief in God, because I am a man of faith, my faith gave me hope, since based on faith, God is the source of love and hope, and he has a tremendous love for us. And for that, I started to believe in the goodness of people and that I would find care, cheerleading, support, and acceptance!

With that, I was able to fortify my weakness and build up my courage to move on in life. Even when I admitted all that and started laying the foundation, still that process took years of a rollercoaster of emotions and situations that kept challenging me to pull me apart, but with determination, perseverance, faith in God, and belief in myself, that super powerful combination made me super resilient and helped me to forge forward in life.

Dealing Differently: Equipping Ourselves for Life’s Challenges

The journey started, but that doesn’t mean life became full of roses. I had to deal with a lot of stuff, such as bullying, rejection, misunderstood, and other stuff related to my look, but with all that I equipped myself with, I was able to deal with all that differently and I didn’t keep it to hurt me like before, because now I believe and have hope in the future.

Faith and Determination: Crossing the End of the Tunnel

Believing in yourself is the cornerstone of building your life. Having faith is the road to the end of the tunnel when you start seeing the light at its end, and with perseverance and determination, you will cross that end and start living life. All I am asking for you today is to know how wonderful you are! How beautiful you are! How majestic you are! Once you see that within you, through the eyes of God or that great within, you believe in, your life will go beyond everything you can dream about, and all your dreams can turn into reality.

Believing in Yourself: A Cornerstone for Life’s Journey

Make this year a turning point in your favor. Believe in yourself and let the doors of life open itself for you. Go through this new journey, and enjoy the rollercoaster, it will make you feel life and will lead you into crossing the river to the other side to unleash your potential, discover your inner power within, and witness the fulfillment of your destiny, your life purpose and thrive in life like never before.

With love, Romeo

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