Here you are, you have found the job that pays you well, it helps you pay your bills, get you what you need, fill your time, give you the flexibility to enjoy a hobby, going out, do things, enjoy life and so on. But what would be more important is the following: “Does it give you happiness?”
A well-paid job is really rewarding, and it might be enjoyable for many people, but so many others are stuck in a career that is so dull, routine, it gives the ability to buy what we want, but it may not be the job that give us fulfillment, happiness, a meaning to life.
We have a tool that we use in our life coaching, measures the satisfaction for many parts in your life, such family life, work, social life, personal relationship, health, education and so on… It will reflect where you are and what you should focus on to make your life a better one.
Passion is a way of life, that it exists within you. When you find it, everything in your life will have a different meaning, even what didn’t make sense to it, will now make sense. Why? because everything you went through in your life, lead to the discovery of that passion. And that passion, needs to be the center of your life, since it is the meaning of the life you should be looking to have.
Working passionately is a life changing, since it will impact not only your life, but every person that you meet. You will be giving without the fear of losing. You know yourself and you know your passion, it takes over and make your life so alive and giving became a healthy habit. That passion will make your job so passionate that your Mondays and Fridays will be the same. And that job becomes part of your life purpose that you thrive to accomplish with joy and happiness in each goal you reach or a change you do that will make others happy, as colleagues or clients.
So, now is the best time to re-assess your job, is it a passionate job that gives you joy and happiness or it is just a job?
Romeo life coach
Life Coaching – Life Changing